Get A Fun, High-Paying Job That’s Safe From AI And Automation
Despite The Job Market.

I'll Guarantee An $80k-$120k/Year REMOTE

Front-End Developer Job In 9 -12 Months

Club a Baby Seal Guarantee 🦭🏏 If you wouldn’t club a baby seal to keep working with me, I’ll refund your investment + $1k for wasting your time.

If you want to save yourself from being replaced by AI, please read carefully.

I’m Cristian Florea. I’m a software programmer who dropped out of college, and never went to a coding bootcamp.

Nonetheless, I built a six-figure career, and I’m teaching other people like you how to do it!

But I can only take 4 more clients this month.

On this page, I’m going to show you how to…

  • Earn an average income of $118,000, up to $170,000 or more, with security and benefits, including stocks in fast-growing tech companies.

  • Save yourself from automation and AI with a fun, exciting job that puts you on the top of the tech food chain.

  • Live the laptop lifestyle and work remotely, without being forced into an office every day, so you can control your daily schedule and reclaim your life.

  • ​And do it all while spending about 90% less money than coding bootcamps that don’t even guarantee you a new job!

I Will Show You How To Get An Awesome New Job, And I’ll Work With You Until You Do!

But first, before I do any of that, we’ll need to chat.

I need to be sure you’re going to put in the work. That’s why I interview you before I take you on as a client.

So if you’re ready to make the transition and get a job you’ll actually enjoy – one that can pay the bills even with automation and AI wiping out other careers – then let’s chat!

I’m going to give you a whole new career, but first…
Who Should NOT Join This Program?

This program isn’t for everyone.
Please do not apply if you…
  • Want a get-rich-quick plan.

  • Don’t have a steady income and you need a job tomorrow.

  • Aren’t willing to put in the work.

However, if you’re a hard-working person with a real income who’s ready to upgrade to a more stable , fun, and rewarding career, this is the program for you.

Why My Method is Better than a College Degree, Certificates, or Coding Bootcamp.

And you could spend $10,000 on certificates that mean nothing to employers.

I’ve seen coding bootcamps that cost anywhere from $12,000 to $20,000 or more, and again, most of them don’t actually guarantee you a good job. (They might call you a “successfully employed graduate” even if you end up at McDonald’s.)

So here’s why my method is better:

Remember: Coding Bootcamps are in the Business of Bootcamps, Not Programming!

Many teachers who run coding bootcamps don’t have successful careers as programmers. I’ve actually been where you are: struggling to get through the boring, tedious work of your day job, worried about the future of your career. And more importantly, I’ve gotten where you want to go. I’ll show you exactly how to do it, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

    Proper Dev Roadmap

    Get a plan that’s worked for dozens of successful clients who have gotten the kind of high-paying, fun, and secure job you want.

    Focus On What Matters

    We focus on the most important pieces of the puzzle, getting you to your goal in record time – usually just a few months!

    No More Frustrations

    Don’t get stuck in the YouTube/Stackoverflow rabbit hole again. Get your questions answered fast, in a way that actually makes sense.

    Join Our Community

    Your new community of fellow developers-in-training will support you, root for you, and provide helpful insights. More importantly, you gain additional accountability that can help you achieve your goals.

    Mindset Shifts

    Limiting beliefs and thought patterns can be more damaging than a lack of knowledge or skill. We help you reset those old thoughts and give you the growth mindset you need for success in a highly competitive industry.

    Copy-Paste What Works

    We practice what we preach. Everything that we teach, we’ve implemented ourselves in our own coding careers. You’re not taking a risk with an untested hypothesis. You’re getting a proven strategy we’ve used dozens of times with real, measurable success.

What Exactly Will I Teach You?

In this program, you’re going to learn…
  • How to program with Javascript and React, without wasting time on less profitable programming languages.

  • How to land a job you’ll actually enjoy, in less time, so you can get the security and paycheck you want.

  • And how to avoid marking yourself as “unemployable” with the most common job application mistakes programmers make.

Watch What Our Clients Say Themselves

Basil ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 3 months

Hoan ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 7 months

Connor ― Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 9 months

Kyle ― Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 9 months

Simon ― Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 9 months

Hector ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 8 months

Ben ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 3 months

Anton ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 6 months

Scott ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 8 months

Constantin ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 3 months

Brain ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 8 months

Rabbie ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 6 months

Meagan ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 6 months

Jorge ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 7 months

Beth ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 8 months

Tony ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 5 months

Toni ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 3 months

Jason ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 2 months

Lucas ― Remote Frontend Developer

💰 Hired in 5 months

How I Went From Scrubbing Toilets To A Six-Figure Coding Career.

I was born in a Bucharest, Romania. It wasn't the richest or the poorest background I grew up in, just very simple. Becoming older, I felt like my life was heavily influenced by people around me and established rules. The imperative being "Go to university, study hard, become a good lawyer, go to an office, hold that job for 40 years, and then retire when you're 67" or something.
It didn't take me long enough until I realized that this wasn't the life I wanted to live and decided to take a different path: Dropping out of university, and moving to London.
With about 200 GBP n my pocket, I started working in a coffee shop cleaning toilets and brewing coffee.
Within the next two years I managed to learn code, become really good at it and got really well paid. By the age of 24, I ended up in a position where I get paid more than most senior devs that have 10+ years experience.
After that, people started to ask me how they could learn code and get in a similar position too. After giving tips and free advice, I noticed people were getting results. So I started offering 1:1 coaching to people that came to me. Later this turned into a complete web development program. And it changed dozens of lives already.

The interview is 100% free.

The interview process is very serious for me, because I want to be sure I’m working with the right clients, and I can only work with a handful of clients at once.

So if you’re accepted, it means I have complete faith in you and your ability to get a high-paying job that’s fun and secure…

Click below to get started!

  • My clients work hard. Combining that work ethic with my proven strategies, my clients are able to cut through the pile of resumes and achieve massive success in less than half the time it takes to finish a degree in comp sci.
  • Yes! I’ve worked with many clients who got degrees in comp sci (and even advanced degrees), but still didn’t get a decent coding job. I’ll help you get the job you deserve.
  • That mostly depends on how much time you can put in each week. Some clients are able to get a new, high-paying job in as little as 8 weeks. For others, who have full-time jobs and families, it can sometimes take up to 6-8 months. But no matter what, all my successful clients have landed new, secure, lucrative jobs in much less time than it takes to get a college degree!
  • I am offering a 6 months money-back guarantee if you come in all the coaching calls, keep daily contact with me, do what I'm telling you to do and fail to see results. If you wouldn't club a baby seal to keep working with me, then I will refund you all the money you invested with me. In this way you have no risk associated with your investment. You either get the skills to get a high paying job, or you get your money back and you will be in a way better position than any bootcamp student or self taught dev. Guaranteed. If you just join, without doing any kind of work, keep no contact, then you are taking someone else's space, and you won't qualify for the guarantee. In this way, if you join the calls, ask for help and feedback, and follow the roadmap you will get good VERY quick, and you will not need the guarantee.
  • You're right. I'm small, I'm insignificant, and that's why I have to work so hard to make a name for myself. My reputation is on the line with each client that I take, that's why my 6 months money-back guarantee is in place. I want to give you the best and make your experience working with me the most rewarding experience ever. You will see yourself growing to a whole different level under my watch, you will be able to finally be paid what you're worth and experience the life that you're after.
  • I will teach you Javascript. With Javascript, you can create web, mobile apps, desktop native apps, servers, and games. You will have a plethora of choices once you get out in the job market.
  • Yes, my coaching is moulding around each individual because everyone is different. This is why my approach is superior to any classic coding bootcamp that has to give everyone the same standardized approach. And I do that for a fraction of a typical coding bootcamp cost.
  • I understand there's a lot of free information out there on YouTube. I spent hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos when I was just starting. But I still wished I had something like this that would give me the answers, rather than wasting so much time searching for them. Besides, most YouTube videos focus too much on the concepts, whereas working with me, teaches you the exact techniques and methods you need to succeed. Not just that, you also get tons of never before seen strategies that I’ve developed over the years and an amazing community to give you support.
  • Joining the mentorship program happens by invite only. Around 90% of applications are getting canceled. The reason why I'm doing this is that I want to keep the group quality high. Everyone who joins is a winner, wants more from life, and is not scared of hard work. If that's you, you'll feel at home. You'll learn tons, have fun, and become a sought-after six-figure remote developer.